Nikayla began her practice in 2014. Over the years, the practice has been transformational in her life. Her intention as an instructor is to share the benefits of yoga and be a support to others as they go through their own transformations. Bringing the practice to Westhampton Beach has been a dream of hers since the start. To Nikayla, every class is a new beginning and opportunity to reunite the mind, body, breath, and soul.
Always-at-Aum YTT 200 certified - Hatha - Vinyasa - Yin - Nidra - Reiki I & II - Hot Yoga
From: Westhampton, NY
Why Nikayla started practicing and became an Instructor: I started practicing yoga in 2014 after coming home from studying abroad in Australia. After living it up after 6 months it was time to get back into a routine. I was going to the gym everyday, and not seeing the results I was hoping for. I remembered going to a yoga class that my freshman year roommate brought me to years prior. During that class, something shifted. While I was drenched in sweat at the end of class, there was a major release and tears came to my eyes during savasana. At the time I didn’t know what it was, I wasn’t tearing due to happiness or sadness, it was just happening. I reminisced on that moment and immediately found a hot yoga studio and took a class. From that day forward I didn’t stop. Practicing yoga seamlessly became a part of my every day, and with that I developed so many tools that would help me off the mat. Each day I was learning something new, practicing a different asana, meditating, and felt so inspired that I couldn’t get enough. From there I continued practicing for 5 years and was eager to take the 200 Yoga Teacher Training. Since graduating YTT in 2019, I have continued my yoga education and am in the process of completing my 500 hour certification.
About Nikayla: I grew up in Westhampton with my two siblings and parents. I worked at Island Surf in town for nearly 10 years and together with my siblings worked at Eckart’s Luncheonette for about 3 years. I graduated from Fashion Institute of Technology and took my YTT immediately after graduating. My husband and I got married in September of 2021 and currently live in Bellport Village with our little kitten, Chica. It has always been my dream to open up a yoga studio in my hometown and I am truly humbled, honored, and beyond excited to share what I love with Westhampton Beach. When I’m not at the studio you can find me at the beach or on the boat with my friends, soaking up the sun. I love to travel, explore, learn, eat, dance, and of course, practice yoga! It is my passion and what I am here to do.
What inspires Nikayla off the mat: Being with friends and family and my husband- their energy gives me strength and support. Being alone- finding solitude and peace with just being with yourself is a very special and important relationship. Living in the present- taking moments for what they are, being adaptable, finding the good, changing the perspective, taking in nature and all it has to offer, and practicing gratitude.
A note from Nikayla: Open Mind - Clear Space - Give Hope - Follow Bliss - Take Care - Love Always
Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu - May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may my thoughts, actions, and words contribute to the happiness and freedom for all.
Classes Taught: Hot Vinyasa Flow, Hot Yin & Yang Flow
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